Potential bumper stickers for 2018

Syndicated to Kansas newspapers Oct. 24, 2016

Martin HawverNow, whether you are a fan of Democratic former Kansas Gov. John Carlin or not, he last week provided a little common-sense campaign advice that you have to hope all candidates for the Legislature are taking seriously.

Because while it is important for Democrats, it is probably more important for Republicans, especially those seeking seats in the House.

His advice: Tell the voters you make your pitch to for a vote for House or Senate that the state’s budget/tax/education problems aren’t going to be solved in just one or two sessions of the Legislature.

That’s from a guy who has experience running a state as governor (1979-1987), as a House member (1970-1979) and running the Kansas House of Representatives as its Speaker for two of those years. Oh, and he’s been politically tumble-dried a time or two so he is also very practical. He knows government from the inside and outside.