Will voters vote?

(Syndicated to Kansas newspapers Oct. 3, 2016)

Martin HawverIt’s made for a lot of news stories—though we’re betting they probably didn’t crowd the advertisements out of your local newspaper—this citizenship-voter business in Kansas.

And it might finally be over…if the Secretary of State and the ACLU can get a federal judge to agree to the wording of a letter to thousands of Kansans that they sure enough can vote in November and that the election folk are going to count those votes.

It has taken more than a year and who knows how much money for Secretary of State Kris Kobach to try to enforce a law that the Legislature probably shouldn’t have passed and the governor probably shouldn’t have signed into law that requires proof of U.S. Citizenship for people to vote in Kansas.

It was a couple years ago that someone thought it was a good idea to have just documented American citizens voting on the people who run the nation, the state, the county, city and drainage district in which we live.